Photographing Slot Canyons

Images of slot canyons represent one of the most fascinating corners of our planet, the American southwest. Sandstone, over millions of years has been eroded by the power of water, creating deep winding corridors. For anyone with an explorative spirit, slot canyons are a playground for every age. The two most iconic, and likely the most photogenic canyons in the world are within a 2 hour drive from each other, The Zion Narrows, and Antelope Canyon. slot online

My name is Seth Hamel, I am a professional landscape and adventure photographer working in the Zion National Park area. When I go into the narrows by myself or with clients, the start time isn’t until 10 am or so, depending on the time of year. Many of the clients that I guide through the narrows ask “Can we start earlier? I want to make sure I’m in there for the best light”. This is due to the fact that with typical landscape photography we want to get that early glowing light on the features of whatever we are photographing.

In slot canyons, the best light occurs mid-day, on cloudless sunny days. The best light is not direct sunlight hitting the walls of the canyon, but rather “reflected light”. Reflected light occurs when bright, harsh, direct sunlight hits a canyon wall and reflects that light onto another wall. This is the type of light that produces rich, saturated glowing colors in slot canyons. It is very important to keep even a peep of sky, or direct sunlight out of your photos, as this produces blown out areas of your image, and can produce a nasty “haze” near those areas. Naturally there are exceptions to this rule, but they are uncommon.

The Zion Narrows, and Antelope canyon are significantly different canyons. The Zion Narrows is the largest slot canyon in the world! Carved by the power of the Virgin River, the narrows is a canyon where you will be hiking in the river itself. Antelope canyon is a dry canyon unless there has been recent rainfall. Due to the narrowness of this canyon, and having a large water gathering area for water during the monsoon season, this canyon has been carved by powerful raging flash floods. Due to the differences in these canyons, camera settings can vary with each.

To obtain professional quality images, a tripod is required. As a general rule, setting your ISO to 100 will give you crisp, printable images. In canyons, typically you want to have the entire scene in focus, no blurring of the foreground or background (again this is a general rule). In order to obtain such depth, set your aperture to a higher number. F16, F18 or F22 are useful. From there, read your camera’s internal light meter and adjust your shutter speed in order to get the appropriate exposure. These settings are a very safe bet for Antelope Canyon.

The Zion Narrows presents situations where controlling your shutter speed is the 1st priority. Due to the beautiful flowing water in relation to this magnificent canyon, controlling what the flowing water looks like plays a major role in the artistic outcome of your image. Good shutter speeds range from 1/2 second to 1/10 second. This requires some experimentation with different speeds of water flow, and the effect you are hoping to achieve. After setting the shutter speed, I would adjust my aperture, and then the ISO. This can be a tricky balance. Having an experienced mentor in this situation is helpful.

Slot canyons are amazingly beautiful, awe inspiring and is a candy land for any level of photographer. Keep in mind, during rainy periods, slot canyons are very dangerous due to flash flooding. Be sure to do your research on flash flooding and weather conditions before you enter into these canyons. There have been numbers of fatalities in both of these canyons.


A Review of the Slot Machine Bank

Every year my wife tells me to make out a list so she can get me a good birthday present. This all started about 10 years ago when she was tired of buying me things I acted like I enjoyed, but she knew they weren’t the best. However, it’s much better to receive something that your loved ones put a little work into by simply listening to me throughout the year. In this case I wanted to talk about this Slot Machine Bank that I found on the Internet.

Listen, I understand it’s not the same thing as playing a slot machine to win someone else’s money, but I enjoy having all kinds of casino stuff around the house. This particular Slot Machine Bank has been one of the missing pieces to my downstairs masterpiece. I have everything from poker tables, poker chips, pictures, paintings, glasses and various other parts to my fun place downstairs.

When people want to play cards or anything else, I always get a phone call to see if they can hold it here. It’s something I crave as an older gentleman, which is why I always say yes. It makes me feel like the center of attention at least for one night. So when I was surfing the net awhile back I came across this Slot Machine Bank that started to make my wheels spin.

Basically we use it as our bank for deposits. I’ve got enough chips to get about 20 people playing at once, and enough tables for us all to be comfortable. slot online Everything is set up on an “honor system” where people will deposit $20 in the bank and take out their poker chips from the case. Now, when it’s actually time to take the money out and pay everyone, I just take money from my wallet. The reason for this is you have to hit 3 bars or of any combination for the money to be dispensed.

Honestly, for individuals who wouldn’t use the Slot Machine Bank like me, it’s a great way to save. Whether you’re planning a trip to Las Vegas, a weekend jaunt down to your local establishment, or anything else that you want to spend money on this is a great way to do it. Plus you can even have a little fun. Oh, and if I didn’t mention it before you can use just about any type of coins on the market today.

There are several choices out there and each one of them will be a little different. Overall though, I know anyone who enjoys the casino slots will get a kick out of having a Slot Machine Bank for their change. The only thing left for you to do is figure out which one actually works best for you.

How to Have Fun Winning at Slot Machines

A great way to pass time in casinos is by playing in those slot machines. It’s especially enticing for beginners to play this game, because it’s simple and easy to operate. However, there are those who have discovered ways on how to turn this into their very own money making machine. Now, there really is no exact science on how to do this. However, here are some tips that can probably help you out the next time you’re in a casino playing in one of the slots.

1. Knowledge of the game is very important. Of course it is crucial that you know the basics of the game. You must have some idea on the foundational step to win. You have to know how these machines operate. Have you ever noticed how these machines produce good and perfect combinations on the first and second reels but fail to give a perfect one on the third? Well, this is primarily because these machines are programmed to do this. The slots have Random Number Generators that allow them to determine the outcome of each spin. If you have knowledge of the game, then you would know that there is no exact timing of the spin because these are all random acts by the microprocessors installed in the machine.

2. Knowledge of Random Number Generators or RNG’s. These RNG’s produce random numbers each second and are displayed when the reel stops. And since these are all taken at random, we would have to take a chance because we don’t know exactly when the right sets of numbers will be required for us to win. There are times that when a player stops playing after a couple of spins, the next player may win the jackpot. So the best way to get lucky is to watch around first before beginning to play. If you are good at math then you could easily observe and calculate the probabilities.

3. Knowledge of the payback percentage of slot machine and the effect it has on winning. This is very important because ever machine is programmed with a payback percentage in their microprocessors. This means, all the times that the house wins are already predicted. Usually that is around 90 to 97 percent of the time. situs slot The idea is that the higher the percentage is, the more payback you can expect. Casinos have this system because they want to encourage players to keep on playing in their slot machines. So if you are a player, you must keep track of those machines with the higher paybacks and make sure you keep a close eye on them.

4. Knowledge of when to stop. Of course we all know that gambling can be very addictive. You may have all these tricks up your sleeve, but even slot machines can eat up all your hard-earned money just like any other big game in the casino. So you better set a limit for playing the game. Make sure that you have the money that you spend and try to stop as soon as you get some winnings already.

Tips & Strategi untuk Pemain Slot

1. Selalu bermain dengan uang yang Anda mampu untuk kehilangan.

Mari kita hadapi itu. Tidak peduli tip dan strategi apa yang saya berikan kepada Anda di halaman ini, rumah masih memiliki keunggulan pada setiap permainan slot yang Anda mainkan. Jadi cara terbaik untuk bermain cerdas adalah bermain dengan uang hiburan, uang kesenangan. JANGAN main-main dengan uang sewa. Takut uang selalu kalah; apakah Anda percaya takhayul atau tidak.

2. Selalu mainkan taruhan maksimal.

Jika Anda tidak memainkan taruhan maksimum, maka Anda mengurangi persentase pembayaran Anda secara signifikan, karena jackpot terbesar selalu membutuhkan taruhan maksimum untuk menang. Dan jackpot terbesar dihitung ke dalam persentase pembayaran Anda. Anda ingin persentase pembayaran Anda tinggi, dan agar itu terjadi, Anda HARUS memainkan taruhan maksimal. Jika Anda tidak mampu membayar taruhan maksimal, maka mainkan batas bawah.

3. Pahami aturan dan pembayaran mesin sebelum Anda bermain.

Strategi slot kemenangan saya selalu ditujukan untuk memaksimalkan nilai hiburan dari permainan slot Anda. f Bagi saya, itu hanya bersikap realistis. Dan cara terbaik untuk menikmati permainan apa pun, dan terutama permainan judi, adalah memahami apa yang sedang terjadi.

4. Tetapkan tujuan kemenangan.

Yang ini mungkin kontroversial bagi sebagian orang, tetapi kenyataannya adalah bahwa jika Anda siap untuk suatu sesi, Anda mungkin juga berhenti ketika Anda telah mencapai tujuan kemenangan Anda sehingga Anda dapat merasa senang tentang hal itu. Pergilah menonton pertunjukan, nikmati makanan enak, atau saksikan beberapa atraksi wisata sebelum Anda memainkan kembali semua kemenangan Anda. Orang yang menang berhenti saat mereka unggul.

5. Tetapkan batas kerugian.

Manajemen bankroll (batas kerugian dan tujuan menang adalah teknik manajemen bankroll) tidak mempengaruhi peluang atau pembayaran pada permainan mesin slot. TAPI, mereka dapat membantu Anda mempertahankan uang Anda dan mencegah Anda kehilangan uang yang tidak bisa Anda hilangkan. Dan jika Anda tidak memiliki disiplin diri untuk mencegah diri Anda memainkan kembali semua kemenangan Anda atau berhenti saat Anda unggul, maka Anda tidak boleh berjudi sama sekali.

6. Pahami biaya per jam untuk bermain.

Berbicara secara realistis, kebanyakan orang benar-benar bermain 600 atau lebih putaran per jam. Jika sebuah mesin membayar 95%, dan Anda bermain $1 per putaran total, Anda melihat biaya per jam sebesar 5% dikalikan 600 putaran X $1/putaran, yang berarti biayanya $30/jam untuk bermain. Mengapa penting untuk mengetahui berapa biaya untuk bermain? Karena Anda perlu menganggarkan perjudian Anda. Hanya Anda yang dapat memutuskan berapa biaya per jam yang sesuai untuk hiburan yang Anda terima dari bermain slot.